The best advice I ever got came from a U.S. Army Officer buddy of mine many years ago. Our conversation was short and, as I recall, it went something like this:
He told me, “Know your core values and stick to them John. If you get off track, find a way to get back on track quickly. You’ll find success that way.”
Then he got up in my face and asked, “Are you tracking John?”
I responded, “Yes sir, I am!”
His strong advice been embedded in my mind and in my heart ever since. His point has helped me to stay on the proverbial ‘straight and narrow’…through all kinds of personal life challenges. And, when I’ve gotten sidetracked, made a mistake, veered away from my core values, I always found a quick way to get back to them. Believe me, it can take work to stay on track, especially with the curve balls life can throw at us.
No doubt, we live in a fast-paced world full of distractions and we might be thinking nobody’s really paying attention to me. But, don’t kid yourself, they are watching, people will pay attention to you, they always do and your core values will matter to many of them. People will know who you really are by your actions and the beliefs you carry in your heart. I’m not claiming sainthood or taking a holier-than-thou attitude here, I’m just saying that by knowing your core values and by sticking to them, you will navigate through life with confidence and conviction, find the supportive network you are looking for and, perhaps, even help you to find some real meaning, your true purpose in life.
So, what are your personal core values, do you know them? Have you ever taken the time to contemplate on them, self-introspect, or even write them down on paper? Maybe this is a good time to make that personal assessment. It might only take you a minute or two and it could be time well spent.
Here’s the core value assessment I made on myself many years ago (I have more; these are my foundations):
1) “It’s always about the love. Always.” (Have compassion for others)
2) “Polarization only works in sunglasses, not in sustainable communities” (Build stronger community)
3) “Find the right lifeboat rowers to row with you in all conditions.” (Lead a supportive team in business and in family)
4) “Loyalty is thicker than blood.” (Possess, find, and build trust in others)
5) “Bread and wine are the best metaphors for living a richer life.” (Practice a belief in divinity)
Maybe, we have some of the same core values and maybe we don’t. It doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. At the very least, by knowing your core values, you will know yourself better, help others to better understand you, and overcome any challenge that goes against your grain, your personal core values.
With extreme gratitude, thank you Major Paul Blackketter for your rock-solid advice. It’s helped me to create clarity and direction, to find and to work with genuinely supportive people and businesses, and to solidify my purpose in life.
#inspiration #leadership #motivation #purpose #gratitude #corevaluesmatter